My newest obsession

I’ve always had a thing for ribbon. I must have caught the fever from my mom- she still has ribbon we used at my wedding over 6 years ago. Recently I was going through a box of sewing paraphernalia and came across 6 or 7 rolls of gorgeous ribbon I had purchased (and never used) about 2 years ago. I immediately got on the computer and googled “ribbon crafts” and was struck by the gorgeous girls’ hairbows that I saw. I don’t know why it never occured to me before; we had just moved from Alabama, where you can see little girls with ginormous ribbon bows on a daily basis. My Princess has super long blonde hair that tends to curl into little ringlets at the end. It’s so pretty and she gets a lot of compliments, but I think she’d get more if she let me actually brush it or pull it out of her face every once in a while. I figured a gorgeous bow might be the perfect bribe: “if you let me brush your hair, you can wear this pretty princess bow!” It totally worked. I’m a genius.

So I got to work and quickly realized that this would be my new obsession. It’s fun, fairly easy and you need to have a little creativity to do it, which I like. I can only make 2 or 3 in one sitting before my fingers start to cramp up, but that’s usually all the time I have anyway. It’s the perfect craft for me! So without further ado, pictures!

Fourth of July bow (she also wore this on Flag Day/the Army’s birthday last week)
Fourth of July bow

Fishing bow, for trips to the lake with Daddy
Fishing bow

Blue and yellow bow
Blue and yellow bow

Pink and green bow (which perfectly matches the ButterflyBabyPlace dress the Princess picked out)
Pink and green bow

Orange stripes and polka dots (orange is the Princess’s favorite color)
Orange stripes and polka dots

Blue and green loopy bow
Loopy bow

Dainty lavender and antique white bow
Dainty lavender and antique white bow

Funky green and brown mini bow
Funky green and brown mini bow

Crazy bow (this has so many layers! It took a while to figure out, but it was fun!)
Crazy bow

I’m going to have to come up with a better way to store these. Keeping them in a box squishes all the little loops down. Not to mention I’m totally running out of room to store these things. Maybe I’ll sell them?? They’ll be hard to give up!

3 responses to this post.

  1. These are very cute! To store mine (we have a TON), I just cut a few feet of ribbon and tacked them to the wall. The bows clip on to the ribbon. Simple, easy, voila!

    That works best for the bows with alligator clips.


  2. Posted by Janice on June 21, 2010 at 11:20 AM

    You did a Great Job! They’re so pretty!!


  3. Posted by Pheldda on June 21, 2010 at 11:58 AM

    Take a large ribbon and clip the barrets on the ribbon in a row. Then hang all the ribbons on the closet door, in her room, or in the bathroom.


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